Reviewed by - Collier B

Review Given By: Collier B

Date: October 19th, 2023

Review Source: Google Review
Ratings Given:
5.00 out of 5


My project is still in the process but the first part (demo and drying and estimates) is complete. I gotta say, the team who started the first part, Andrew, Nino and Jeremy were really on top of it. Very professional and friendly, knowledgeable and of course very accommodating in which they timely manner of when they could arrive in continue to do what they needed to do, especially Andrew. He was the star of the show. I would definitely give him a call if I need anything else for sure. Now I await for part two for the second team to finish up the project, the repairs. And if they are anything like the first team, I will be back to give them yet another great review Service: Water damage-related cleanup & repair